‘Super Stars Concert’ was recently held at the International Stadium Center in Shijiazhuang in China. Performers at the show included a number of superstars in Asia such as Zhou Jielun (Jay Chow), Pan Weibo, Xiao Yaxuan which demanded a show with outstanding Audio, video and lighting.
Such a large scale event in Shijiazhuang in terms of superstar presence, stage production, event organisation and audience size is very rare but it did present itself as an unprecedented success.

The show was completely programmed by Guowei on the Sapphire Touch to contribute to the show in his own creative way.
‘I’ve been using Avolites for years now. I’ve used most of the Avolites consoles and also own a Quartz myself but the Sapphire really is a different monster. I loved using it at this this show with all the controls and the number of faders at my fingertips. As always Titan is great to work with, and I enjoy it because of the ease of use!’ - Guowei
The desk was supplied by Hongfung in which they offered full support along the way. Guowei has been an avid user of Avolites for many years but this is the first time using a Sapphire at a live show so Tim from Hongfung provided technical support throughout the show.

'I've worked with Guowei in the past and it's always a pleasure to watch his shows. I came to provide the technical support, but to be honest, Guowei didn't have any real issues. He was familiar with our other consoles so he picked this up pretty much immediately. The Sapphire is still relatively new in China, but I'm happy to see our users really taking it on board, and to be able to see it a big shows like these.'