Avolites’ exclusive US distributor Group One were in NYC at the Director’s Studio, alongside Morpheus Lights, for hands-on demos of the Titan and Ai range. The co-operation with Morpheus, US distributor of Ayrton, allowed the team to show off the latest integration between the Ai and Titan platforms.

This allows the brightness of particular pixels in Ai to control the progress through a keyframe effect on the console.
This means that DMX attributes such as position, zoom, shutter can all be tied in precisely to video content.

Brad from Group One, assisted by Greg Stevens of Artistic Projection, re-created the Ayrton Dreampanel display used at Prolight and Sound to demonstrate the new functionality.

An Ai RX8 server and Sapphire Touch console were networked together to control the demo. There was a great turnout for the event, with all attendees impressed by the forward-thinking control on show. The entire setup was back out again at the 4Wall yearly open house and Barbecue at their HQ in Newark, New Jersey.